Quote Generator
Status: In Progress
Javacript project to randomly generate quotes.
Hi, I'm Alex and this is my portfolio site. I'm a Mechanical and Aerospace Engineer, turned Data Scientist, with a love of all things science, mathematics, and technology. I've spent the last few years building my skills in Data Science, focused on R and python, with a specific focus on maintenance performance analytics. I'm in the process of learning web development as I'm interested in building software-based businesses across a broad range of domains. This is a collection of things I'm interested in, working on, and/or completely obsessed with (and maybe a few I'm less than emphatic about, that I think I should do anyway..). If you'd like to get in contact, please see my contact me page (link at the bottom of the page).
Status: In Progress
Javacript project to randomly generate quotes.
Status: Complete
A project investigating forecasting methods (SARIMA, SARIMAX), focused on the NSW market with a particular emphasis on the increasing market saturation of residential rooftop solar.
Status: In Progress
Interactive visualisation focussed on using ABS trade data to help people understand what Australia sells and what it buys.
Status: building in stealth
Coming Soon...
Status: building in stealth
Coming Soon...
Status: building in stealth
Coming Soon...
Status: In Progress
Weight: 85kg
Get back to my healthiest weight, through discipline, healthy eating, and bringing the joy of physical activity back to my life.
Starting Soon
100 photos in 100 days
Take a photo every day for 100 days, see if some of them aren't terrible.